Living the Farm Sanctuary Life
Medlemspris: 254 kr
Författare: Gene Baur
Format: Inbunden
Utgivningsdatum: 2018-05-01
The Ultimate Guide to Eating Mindfully, Living Longer, and Feeling Better Every Day.
Av Gene Baur & Gene Stone.
Gene Baur är en av grundarna till organisationen Farm Sanctuary - en av de mest etablerade och välkända djurrättsorganisationerna i världen. Sanctuary grundades 1986 och var USA:s första fristad för lantbruksdjur. På organisationens tre gårdar lever idag mer än 1 000 djur - allt från kor och grisar till hönor och gäss - i trygghet. Farm Sanctuarys verksamhet fungerar som ett konkret alternativ till djurindustriernas utnyttjande av djur och visar att en annan och djurvänligare värld är möjlig.
Om boken:
Gene Baur knows that the key to happiness lies in aligning your beliefs with your actions. In this definitive vegan and animal-friendly lifestyle guide, he and Gene Stone, author of "Forks Over Knives," explore the deeply transformative experience of visiting the sanctuary and its profound effects on people's lives. The book covers the basic tenets of Farm Sanctuary life such as eating in harmony with your values, connecting with nature wherever you are, and reducing stress and offers readers simple ways to incorporate these principles into their lives.
"Living the Farm Sanctuary Life" also teaches readers how to cook and eat the Farm Sanctuary way, with 100 extraordinarily delicious recipes selected by some of the organization's greatest fans chefs and celebrities such as Chef AJ, Chloe Coscarelli, Emily Deschanel, and Moby.
Coupled with heartwarming stories of the animals that Farm Sanctuary has saved over the years, as well as advice and ideas from some of the organization's biggest supporters, "Living the Farm Sanctuary Life" is an inspiring, practical book for readers looking to improve their whole lives and the lives of those around them both two- and four-legged.
Inbunden, 300 sidor. Engelsk text.
Medlemspris: 254 kr.
Författare: Gene Baur
Format: Inbunden
Antal sidor: 320
Utgivningsdatum: 2018-05-01